friday continued.
1. adorn - worship.
chris lazo man. how does he do it every week? a rhetorical question bc i'm pretty sure God has a lot to do with it. he talked about how worship is a sacrifice and if it doesn't cost us anything, our worship is worthless. hard to hear, but needed to be said.
2. daniel.
i hung out w daniel for the first time since we parted ways (bc broke up sounds weird, or "werid" haha) and it was really good. it wasn't at all like how i thought it would be. the only word that describes it is comfortable. it was really comfortable. like a homecoming. when we hang out it feels like that's the way it's supposed to be. just like the way it is with rachel and summer. when i talk to daniel, sometimes i don't ever get around to the point i wanted to say and it doesn't even bother me because i feel like i have all the time in the world and if i don't say it then, i'll say it later.
as for the technical stuff, we got to the root of a lot of our miscommunication (that's a word right? bc it's underlined in red...why?) and dealt with the hurt that went stemmed from that. and then we prayed for each other before he left and i was really blessed by that.
3. reality - john 4.
the woman at the well. again. but this time, pastor britt merrick stressed how we need to put ourselves in a position of need to the people we want to evangelize to just as Jesus did. such a contrast to my mind's way of looking at sharing the gospel to my peers. "genuine humility, genuine relationship, genuine love through mutual need." while on mission, we need to put ourselves in a place of need so that we can minister to peers without being arrogant or self-righteous. with a couple people in my life, i've been wondering how i'd go about sharing the gospel when they seem like they have their lives together maybe even more than me, they're not really in much trouble. but in this thinking, i can use that to my advantage, to draw myself into their lives more. and i think i will.
4. fort!
rachel and i made a fort under her bed and it was hilariously fun. especially the keep the candle burning video we sang for summer and then the candle blew out.
5. ice cream.
then we went to the store to get some parmesan for pasta and picked up some ice cream for summer and us and headed over to the bella where we played egyptian rat slap. ice cream makes every gathering better. :]
6. princess & the frog!

Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen (look closely and they're frogs in the reflection!
...with a creepy hand trying to grab naveen!) by Alicechan
went to see this last night w summer, rachel, and gaby (and abby joined us)! it was SO good. especially with a plethora of candy and snacks about us!
i have decided: tiana is my favorite disney princess. (i have compared my love of her to that of selena gomez, so you know im serious lol) she's wonderful, optimistic but also very realistic, too. and a terribly hard worker. but not just for her own gain, but so that her father's dream could come true, too. i love that.
haha werid. Good choice on tiana being your fav. Im glad we have that established so we know exactly when merchandise to buy for you in the future. =)
1. I enjoyed Adorn too. And I want that book. Ugh, I want so many books, lol.
2. I'm glad that it was comfortable. Good.
3. Yes, I think that's what we needed to get from the woman at the well thing. The idea of needing to need. It kinda made me think of raising support--maybe that's a reason why we don't like the idea of having to do that. Coz it's like saying that we need all these people.
4. Haha oh The Fort...
5. Ice cream is so great. I wish it was better for you. Like nonfat, like the yogurt on Seinfeld, haha.
6. I love that picture, and it is now my desktop background. Except it doesn't show the frog reflections... /=. And yes, I'm glad that you now have favorite princess, too!!! Yay.
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