Saturday, May 22, 2010

in the bag.

andy's bag.

something i love for whatever reason is looking at the contents of someone's bag. lol
this was probably born from looking in my mom's purse to find gum or chapstick or something. but i really REALLY like knowing what other people have in their purses. so much so that i have a little collection of images on my external hard drive of photos of what's in people's bags.
maybe it's the way magazines photograph products like real simple often does with their make-up layouts. or maybe it's my need to have things organized and the way i lay all my things out on my bed before i pack it up. probably all of the above.

i love her purse pic.

do you seeeeee all the things in there? i want a bag like this. it's like a survival kit in a bag - disposable toothbrushes, contact case, fold-up scissors, mini nail files, tide to go, and antibac. we've got a wallet (and separate coin purse), a checkbook, a coupon book, a paper notebook and calendar, anddd a keyring with those mini gift card/frequent buyer cards. she is super prepared. down to the 5 back-up pens to the pencil and a sharpie for those moments when a pen just doesn't cut it.

sophia coppola for LV.

hanneli's bag.

hanneli's is my absolute favorite. from the proenza bag to the canon to the ysl wallet. and all the lovely grey colors. :] i love grey.

these just make me want to gather all my things together. good thing, too, because i'm going to need to start packing for camping!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Ugh I REALLY like this. I need a pretty purse with interesting items. (How do ya like THAT alliteration? Haha.)