Tuesday, March 2, 2010

a picture is worth a thousand words.


i decided i do not like things to be in baggies anymore.

1. plastic + glass ware.
perfect for fueling my OCD! i have a lot of plastic and glassware so i figured i might as well get as much use as i can out of them. plus, they make me happy with their colors and snaps. they're snappy. and stackable. and great!

2. coffee.
in the wonderfully addictive liquid form and also in the frozen dessert form. and together.

3. reading.
finally catching up on my art history reading! (i sense a theme amongst the blogs here...)

4. alice outfit.
today it dawned on me to start thinking abt what to pack for summer's. and i've decided i want to have an alice-themed outfit for saturday when we see alice in wonderland! after consulting summer, the silver flats are making the cut. and rachel's already convinced me of how appropriate the watch necklace will be. now im off to find a blue ribbon for a headband...

well, now im off to do more reading....and writing. i need to start writing a page a day starting yesterday. oops.
and i got an extra credit assignment yesterday that i'm going to need to do in order to pull myself from the b i have right now...hmm so i best be going.


my mini tide pen + summer's original size one.


rainbows! (and apparently the car in front of us was smuggling a pot of gold
...or he was a leprechaun. i like to believe the latter.)


curtains + towels in rach's living rm.
(now you can see how we made The Fort later that day.)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Boy oh boy do I like the Alice outfit idea!!!!!!! And yay for the "stained glass" windows haha.