Friday, March 19, 2010

pi[e] day!

sorry this is ages late...

rachel and i decorated the night before with colorful pie puns (which ashley, rachel, and i came up with) and pie drawings.

oh what a wonderful sunday it was!

rachel and i went to the farmer's market and bought our fresh strawberries (for snack & pie), mini pies, and avocados!

rachel and i made a strawberry pie (yum!) and a cream cheese pie (that could've been better). we even whipped our own whipped cream!

and shea made a tasty apple pie (which made their whole apartment late, but let's not dwell on that).

more highlights:
-rachel and i sitting on the couch eating our silvergreens salads after decorating the apartment and letting the pies set in the fridge...not talking really, but when a neighbor walked by looked at our signs and glanced into the apartment, we cracked up laughing. we looked like such losers with no friends.
- raechel being the first guest! :]
- summer stopping by even though she had lots of studying to do.
- stephen, rory, and jake joining us later in the evening.
- molekines, cameltoes, and rattails are synonymous apparently.
- mad [&] gab! team pie hard reigned champion as jake, shea, rachel and i did some good guessing. but ashley and jesse (a surprise guest!) were giving us a run for our money.

this entry doesn't do justice to the day (especially since these are the only pictures i took, but you can go over to rachel's and see the rest), but it needed to be officially recorded on the blog. lol

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I realized that there a whole bunch of your posts that I never commented, so here we go. Oh Pie Day. Man, I wish we had discovered that backwards 3.14 = PIE thing for it. Oh well, maybe for next year.