Tuesday, August 10, 2010

grab my glasses, i'm out the door, i'm gonna hit this city.

i want/need new black sunglassies bc mine broke and all i'm left with are these blue ones that don't really go with everything. so if i'm getting black ones, i want them to be like this:

breakfast at tiffany's, of course.

now here's where it gets difficult...i need help. there are four options. they're all the same price. they all look kind of similar, but i'm still not sure which ones i like/which ones are the most audrey-ish. did i mention that audrey-ability is one of the criteria? haha and here we go:

option 1.

option 2.
option 3.
option 4.


Summer said...

i vote opt. 2... the shape is the most similar I think...

Those are gunna look gooooooood on you.

Rachel said...

I agree that option 2 are the most similar. I do like the darkness of option 1 though.

Melissa said...

i vote option 1. very audreyesque in my opinion.